Letter To my Mentor !

Theres not enough good things i could say about my Mentor not only has he showed me how to make money but even more important and valuable then that its the life principles i have leaned from you a new way of living a new life style a new way of viewing life you’re my biggest inspiration ! Can't find another human that i want to learn more then from you ! In a world where theres 1000s of mentors in a world where everyone thinks they know it all in a world where everyone trow and flexes their titles and their accomplishments to proof success i found you a different type a mentor someone who doesn’t settle for average ! Someone who sees beyond the common being a visionary an amazing human someone with a soul and a heart of Gold thats why you’re my mentor! Maybe i was a fool to think that someday i was going to make u famous because the whole heaven knows ur Name ! You set the standard of what a mentor and a good human being should be ! sometimes i cant help but to wonder what my life could’ve been if i would’ve a mentor like u growing up ! I bet it would’ve saved me from alot ! Thats why its so important to keep doing the good work and continue ur legacy because this is a movement and we are changing lives πŸ”₯πŸ’―πŸ«Ά

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I heart this so much. You are doing good work, touching lives, and building big. Thanks for being you.

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This was a great read. If was to give you the fist of 5 I will give you a 5. I am sure that you will succeed from ok to great before you are out of your 40's. Thank you for dropping gems and allowing me to follow along with your journey that is helping me improve mine. As I approach 40 in a few days and look back on my last 5 years, I am in a way better place than I was. I keep being hard on my self when I look at the now. I realize I'm not all the way there yet but damn way better than half a decade ago.

Thank you,


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Thank you for your comment brother! One love!

All will fade. The only real memories are those held by your children and significant other. They'll tell the world how you treated them.

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