"Luck" - is a blend, and none of these perceptions are wrong.
I agree that being more aware, observant helps one identify opportunities. I also agree that hard work and discipline, and "doing better" creates better outcomes. Results are an outcome of action. One can't sit by and "luckily" achieve something.
Choosing to live with a positive zest for life...consistency, persistence, resilience, and adaptability lead to where both perspectives can thrive...and create their magic...paying homage to the this well known saying: "Success is when preparation meets opportunity."
"Luck" - is a blend, and none of these perceptions are wrong.
I agree that being more aware, observant helps one identify opportunities. I also agree that hard work and discipline, and "doing better" creates better outcomes. Results are an outcome of action. One can't sit by and "luckily" achieve something.
Seems like disciplined work increases chances!
Choosing to live with a positive zest for life...consistency, persistence, resilience, and adaptability lead to where both perspectives can thrive...and create their magic...paying homage to the this well known saying: "Success is when preparation meets opportunity."
Love this! THank you so much for your pledge! I'm working on a way to provide value to the (many) that I have! Blessings!